Letter: We need our missile defense system

Published 11:32 am Saturday, August 23, 2008

In 2007, candidate Obama said, “I will cut investments in the unproven missile defense systems. I will not weaponize space.” But, Mr. Obama, since 2005 the Missile Defense Agency has scored 21 successful space interceptions in 22 tests (Washington Times, March 31).

The North American Missile Defense Shield (30 launch sites) is well on its way to completion — thanks to Republican members of Congress voting responsibly.

Did the missiles test fired by Iran recently change Mr. Obama’s thinking?

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On the contrary, Mr. Obama said those tests highlight the need for direct diplomacy with Iran (Washington Times, July 13). At the same time, Senator McCain said Iran’s tests demonstrated a need for effective missile defense.

Which candidate running for Congress in your district believes our enemies will bargain in good faith?

That candidate needs to review history. Which of the presidential candidates has the best grasp on reality?

John Holley,
