Letter: Thanks for help on the Hormel Home project
Published 10:31 am Friday, August 1, 2008
The Hormel Historic Home received a great update this summer and it is due to the efforts of several local organizations and businesses.
Thank you to Belita Schindler of Belita’s Interiors for historical research and advice on the color. With her guidance, we chose “corn husk” to best reflect the early 1900s Greek Revival architecture.
Thank you to the Hormel Foundation for funding the labor for the painting project. Thank you to Valspar, Inc. for donating all the paint through the Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation “Picture it Painted” grant.
Thank you to Mike Flaherty and his crew at MJ Flaherty Painting for a great job painting the exterior stucco and trim.
Special thanks also to volunteers from the Austin Kiwanis Early Risers Club and the Y’s Women for supporting the project with volunteer labor. Your time and efforts are appreciated.
The Austin community can be counted on to pitch in and help when needed. This project is no exception. We are grateful to everyone who helped with funding, donations and labor to complete the painting project and preserve the Hormel Historic Home for future generations.
Laura Helle
Executive Director
Hormel Historic Home