Letter: You could be a Big Bucks Raffle winner

Published 1:54 pm Saturday, July 26, 2008

We wish to thank everyone who helped make our first annual Big Bucks Raffle a big success. Thanks to those who sold the tickets, and those who purchased the tickets and those who were present for the drawing. Winners of the raffle were:

Frank Bernardy, $10,000

Pete Werner, $1,000

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Helen and Richard Keating, $1,000

Mary Lynn Flaherty, $95

Jean Ann Roe, $24.75

Carol Hansen, $24.75

Mercedes Nordstrom, $24.75

Mary Lou Rysavy, $24.75

Jerry Mohrfeld, $99

Ron Bormaster, $99

Cathy Kilanowski of St. Augustine, Minn., $99

Paul Joe Adams, $99 of Ft. Dodge Iowa

Bob Mullenbach, $99

We will again sponsor the raffle in 2009 and hope you can be a part of the Big Bucks Raffle.

Who knows? You could be a winner.

St. Augustine Council of Catholic Women