Bork, Cummins win firsts at Deer Creek

Published 4:02 pm Sunday, July 27, 2008

Another picture perfect day for racing befell on southern Minnesota on this last weekend of July.  Med City Collision and Firestone of Austin were the evenings sponsors with plenty of free stuff to give away to the kids including a pair of bikes.

The days racing activities cranked up with action on the Button Buck Speedway with the Junior Slingshot division running first. Lucas Schott took the early lead followed by Jace Bunne in second. Parker Hale was on Bunne’s rear and pushing him hard as he attempted to move into second. The running order stood to the finish with Schott taking home the win.

The Pee-Wee division of the Pepsi Slingshots was up next with Brayde Faulhaber taking the lead. Faulhaber had a rough running race car as his right rear wheel was vibrating hard from damage that occurred while running in the Junior division race. Behind Faulhaber it was Lexi Schott and Garrett Koster in second and third. Faulhaber kept it smooth and clean up front and took home his first feature win at Button Buck Speedway with Schott and Koster rounding out the top three.

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After two complete restarts Jordan Yaggy jumped out to the early lead in the Regular division of the Pepsi slingshots. Lucas Schott sat in third followed by Jeremy Paulson and Parker Hale racing close for third. Gary Kellner was on a tear next as he worked into the top five. Kellner took fourth away from Paulson with Jace Bunne following through to fifth. Two laps later Bunne moved into third with Brady Keefe following through and passing Kellner for fifth. At the finish Yaggy hung on for the win with Schott and Hale rounding out the top three.

The first Amsoil Racing Series event of the night was the Dirt Doctor Trucking WISSOTA Midwest Modified event with AJ Wiste jumping into the early lead with Albert Wytaske in second. Wytaske was working low on Wiste who kept his momentum up and held on for the slight lead early on. Jason Born and Jared Boumeester were side by side for fourth behind Brandon Davis as a caution flew. On the restart Kenny Wytaske joined the battle for fourth making it three wide until another caution flew. On the restart with ten to go Wiste led, Kenny moved into third as Boumeester now ran three wide with Bryan Hernandez and Jimmie Arnold for fifth. Another restart found the race for the lead hot and heavy as the Wytaske’s race to the inside and outside of Wiste.  Albert came out with the lead and held onto the spot for the win.

The eighteen lap Tim’s Repair and Towing WISSOTA Street Stock race was another dandy. After a complete restart Dan Holland jumped into the lead with Tim Siskow in second. Tight racing was going on mid-pack while Siskow started working on the leader. Sixteen to go and Fred Prudoehl raced Siskow for second. As they came off turn two Dan Bork split the two to take over second, Siskow wouldn’t give up easily and the two stayed close and side by side with Bork over the next couple circuits until AJ Zvorak made it a three wide race for second. With thirteen to go Siskow was now back into second with Zvorak third. At ten to go Zvorak and Siskow raced for second with Danny Hanson now racing with them. Hanson took third with eight to go and raced with Zvorak for second. A restart with seven to go gave Bork the motivation he needed as he worked past Zvorak for third. Up front Hanson and Holland were racing hard with Holland continuing to lead the pack. With five to go Bork moved along Hanson on the top of the speedway for the second spot. They raced side by side until Zvorak joined into the battle.  With two to go Bork finally got the momentum to work and took over second. Coming to the white he moved alongside of Holland for the lead and took the win exiting turn four to beat Holland to the stripe by a nose.

Adam Stockhausen’s night was tonight in the US ARMY WISSOTA Super Stock division.  Stockhausen started on the front row and shot into the lead at the drop of the green.  Dustin Nelson worked into second after a restart on lap four with Brian Fetting in third.  Cole Queensland and Jason Gabrielson raced for fourth.  Up front Stockhausen continued to click off laps with Nelson trying to make up the ground to the leader.  IT wasn’t to be as Stockhausen came home with his first win of the season at the speedway with Nelson and Fetting rounding out the top three.

A complete restart was in order for the Valley Featherlite WISSOTA Late Model division tonight also.  Justin Sass took the lead on the good start with Keith Foss working into second.  On lap two Foss took the lead with Sass in second.  Mike Prochnow moved into third and raced with Sass for the second spot on an early restart.  Prochnow took over second with Lance Matthees quickly working into third early on.  Twenty to go and Matthees starts to work on Prochnow for second.  Matthees took second as another caution flew over the speedway.  Foss and Matthees swapped spots in each set of corners for the next three laps pulling perfect slide jobs on each other at each end until Foss took control of the race again.  The field stayed in order until Sass started to work on Prochnow with ten to go.  With second to go Sass moved into third while fifteenth starting Joe Ludemann chased down Prochnow on the last four laps to finish fourth.  Foss took home the checkers again and took control of the points race 

The final race of the night was the EZ Fabricating USRA Modified event with Steve Wetzstein and Jason Cummins pacing the field.  Cummins took control of the event with Derek Ramirez from Woodward OK in third behind Wetzstein.  With three completed Brad Waits worked under Ramirez for third.  Further back in the field a few cars jumped up to the top side of the speedway in an attempt to clean that high line off.  With nineteen to go Waits moved past Wetzstein for second and took off after the leader.  Rameriez, Todd Scharkey and Tim Donligner were three wide for fourth.  Scharkey took the spot and on the next lap worked on Wetzstein for third as Kelly Shryock entered the race for fifth.  With thirteen to go Sharkey worked into third with Donlinger working into fourth.  Cummins had pulled out to a full straight away advantage early.  A caution with eight to go was not what the leader wanted with Waits, Donlinger and Shryock directly behind him now on the restart.  It didn’t hurt though as Cummins was very fast tonight and jumped back out to the lead.  Donlinger started working on Waits for second and took the spot as the cars crossed the finish lien side by side as the checkers dropped.  It was Cummins first win in the division at the speedway.


EZ Fabricating USRA Modifieds

Feature – Jason Cummins, Tim Donlinger, Brad Waits, Todd Scharkey, Bob Timm, Mark Noble, Derek Ramirez, Steve Wetzstein, Jay Ihrke, Jake Neal, Corey Dripps, Scott Green, Nate Wasmund, Jeff Schluetter, Doug Hillson, Ryan York, Greg Jensen, James Parker, Mike Glenn, Kelly Shryock, Mike Sorensen, Tyler Clark, Bob Fisher, Bobby Swanson

“B”feature – Hillson, Wasmund, Jensen, Fisher, Parker, Pat Grahm, Josh Mattick, Joe Wernecke, Terry Timmerman, Tom Paulson

Heat 1 – Scharkey, Ramirez, Green, Noble, Glenn, Mattick, Timmerman

Heat 2 – Donligner, Dripps, Clark, York, Paulson, Fisher, Wasmund

Heat 3 – Sorensen, Shryock, Waits, Ihrke, Swanson, Wernecke, Hillson, Parker

Heat 4 – Wetzstein, Neal, Cummins, Timm, Schluetter, Jensen, Grahm


Valley Featherlite WISSOTA Late Models

Feature – Keith Foss, Lance Matthees, Jsutin Sass, Joe Ludemann, Mike Prochnow, Nick Herrick, Andy Altenburg, Nick Kramer, Dennis Hillson, Lucas Peterson, Paul Novotny, Roger Herrick, Dustin Reeh, Ben Mattick, Tony Bloom, Jerry Bloom

Heat 1 – Hillson, N. Herrick, Prochnow, Mattick, Novotny, Altenburg, J. Bloom, T. Bloom

Heat 2 – Matthees, Foss, Kramer, Sass, R. Herrick, Reeh, Ludemann, Peterson


Dirt Doctor Trucking WISSOTA Midwest Modifieds

Feature – Albert Wytaske, Kenny Wytaske, Jared Boumeester, Bryan Hernandez, Bob Bunne, Mike Hernke, Brandon Davis, Joel Alberts, Jimmie Arnold, Keith Foss, Jason Born, Ric Fynbo, Rick Toutges, Andy Bohnstengel, Tyron Friese, Andrew Wiste, Carter Brandt, Jerry Young, Harlan Morehart, Sam Siskow, Mike Sample, Bryce Struckmann

Heat 1 – A. Wytaske, Born, davis, Siskow, Young, Fynbo, Struckmann

Heat 2 – K. Wytaske, Alberts, Boumeester, Hernandez, Foss, Brandt, Morehart

Heat 3 – Wiste, Bunne, HErnke, Arnold, Bohnstengel, Sample, Friese, Toutges


Tim’s Repair & Towing WISSOTA Street Stocks

Feature – Dan Bork, Dan Holland, AJ Zvorak, Danny Hanson, Fred Prudoehl, Tim Siskow, Chuck Nerland, Scott Walker, Troy Voth, Ryan Goergen, Jesse Stahl, Todd Watts, Randy Lavigne, Ben Goldsmith, Karl Hewitt Jr., Sam Averbeck

Heat 1- Hewitt Jr., Zvorak, Goergen, PRudhoel, Voth, Walker, Stahl, Watts

Heat 2 – Hanson, Bork, Siskow, Holland, Nerland, Averbeck, Goldsmith, Lavigne


US Army WISSOTA Super Stocks

Feature – Adam Stockhausen, Dustin Nelson, Brian Fetting, Jason Gabrielson, Cole Queensland, Jeff Brauer, Ryan Siegle, Kevin Hager, Ed Sanders, Wyatt Wolfe Jr.,

Dave Solum, Harlan Morehart, Chris Groth

Heat 1 – Siegle, Brauer, Wolfe Jr., Hager, Solum, Sanders, Gorth

Heat 2 – Nelson, Queensland, Morehart, Stockhausen, Fetting, Gabrielson


Button Buck Speedway

Junior Pepsi Slingshots

Feature – Lucas Schott, Jace Bunne, Parker Hale, Brayde Faulhaber, Jackson Koster, Sydney Alberts, Nathan Bunne, Brady Keefe, Jerome Kellner, Mac Alberts

Heat 1 – Koster, Schott, Keefe, J. Bunne, Faulhaber, N. Bunne, Kellner, Hale, S. Alberts, M Alberts

Heat 2 – Hale, N. Bunne, J. Bunne, Schott, Faulhaber, S. Alberts, M. Alberts, Keefe, Kellner, Koster


Pee-Wee Pepsi Slingshots

Feature – Brayde Faulhaber, Lexi Schott, Garrett Koster, JT Wasmund

Heat 1 – Schott, Koster, Faulhaber, Wasmund

Heat 2 – Faulhaber, Schott, Koster, Wasmund