Letters: Answers wanted about ‘Taj Majail’

Published 6:36 am Monday, June 9, 2008

Many factors have been figured time and time again and by the time the county gets done demoing 3 blocks of our viable downtown to build this new Taj Majail, it would be cheaper for the county to rent spaces in the neighboring counties that already have these Taj Majails than build our own! When are we as taxpayers of Mower County gonna stand up and demand that Sheriff Amazi and the county comish provide us with accurate numbers for what is costing to house and transport versus housing in town? From what I’ve heard and read it would be cheaper to buy a couple vans and hire a couple deputies to continue transporting our prisioners back and forth than to proceed with the building of the “Taj Mahjail” do we owe Wellman and Rysavy grander offices than their homes are? NOT!

Hugh Simon


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