Hill earns dairy princess crown
Published 12:00 am Monday, April 14, 2003
Austin Daily Herald
ADAMS -- Heather Hill was crowned the 2003 Mower County Dairy Princess Saturday night.
The occasion was the 50th anniversary Mower County American Dairy Association dairy princess banquet.
Princesses from years passed were special guests at the banquet. Also, state officials from the Minnesota ADA and the Minnesota Princess Kay of the Milky Way pageant attended and praised the Mower County organization for their work to promote dairy.
Heather Lynn Hill is the daughter of Duane Hill and Jean Blaser. She has two sisters, Ashley and Jessica and is a student at Southland High School.
She was sponsored by Land O' Lakes.
Her attendants this year will be Hannah Valeria Miller and Angela Lynn Russell.
Cristy Sathre relinquished her dairy princess crown to the new princess after serving as the county's dairy promotion leader in 2002.
Her grandfather, Harvey Sathre, 83, kicked off the golden anniversary banquet at Sacred Hearth Catholic Church fellowship hall by ringing a 120-year-old cow bell.
More details about the golden anniversary banquet will appear in a future edition of the Austin Daily Herald.