LGA cuts won#039;t be a quick fix

Published 12:00 am Friday, February 14, 2003

It's alarming to hear about the possible cuts in local government aid that are being proposed by state Auditor Pat Awada.

However, there's nothing we can really do until Tuesday, when Gov. Tim Pawlenty is expected to shed some light on much this state -- and this community -- will have to tighten its belt in the coming months.

It's likely that Pawlenty was behind Awada's recent LGA announcement. We're thinking it was more to see how people were going to react, rather than a true meaning. We'd like to think the legislators we've voted in are going to take care of this issue themselves. However, it wasn't the case recently and we would be surprised if lawmakers won't come to another agreement.

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Still, we're encouraging those same legislators to come up with a plan. Before we know it, the constant talk of LGA being cut will soon become a reality.