Coffee and donuts for Wednesday bowlers
Published 12:00 am Thursday, January 16, 2003
It all started for Tim Haldorson in the Friday Centennial league and continued for nine straight games through the next Thursday's Classic league.
For those nine games he totaled 2,063, which was a 229 overall average. He began with the week's high of 704 on Friday, and then followed it up with a 678 from the Echo 65ers league and then finished up in the Classic with a 681.
Historically these scores aren't record scoring, but for those struggling to put a series together it is a very notable consistent effort. Tim also had the high weekly game of 288 from the Classic.
Randy Wasko rolled what is believed to be his first 700 with a 701 total from the 19th hole league. Marv Pater came out on top of the senior division with a series of 654 from the Thursday league. John Johnson tallied the senior high game in the Tuesday session with a 263.
Lori Olund put it all together while rolling in the Saturday night Splits league. Her WIBC division week-leading series was a 632 that included a 226 game. Sue Stoltenberg knocked down a 241 game to grab WIBC high game honors while bowling in the Happy Hour league. Petra Ihrke led all senior ladies by totaling a 521 series that included a 190 game. Lonnie Murphy had the lady seniors' high game of 196.
Spotlight event of the week went to the Wednesday Coffee and Donut League. In this league colored pins are inserted to set up combinations so competitors can win cash.
Lyle Boyer from Albert Lea was lucky enough to have a $25 shot be set up and then he did strike two separate times for a $50 win. Gene Birch also was able to pocket $25 for the same combination strike.
It all starts at 9:30 a.m. every Wednesday morning and everyone is welcome to join. In other news, the Austin ABC City Championships will run through this coming weekend.
The Week's Best:
ABC series -- Tim Haldorson 704-681-678, Randy Wasko 701, Scott Bultman 673, Doug Reynolds 673, Tom Krieger 664, Joe Tabor 664.
ABC games -- Tim Haldorson 288, Randy Wasko 278, Tom Krieger 276, Joe Tabor 273, John Johnson 263.
WIBC series -- Lori Olund 632, Marcia Sola 575, Sue Stoltenberg 571, Marilyn Cochlin 571, Sue Mielke 566.
WIBC games -- Sue Stoltenberg 241, Rhonda Bridgeman 236, Sue Mielke 231, Rosemary Kvam 227, Lori Olund 226.