United Way helps many in this area

Published 12:00 am Friday, September 13, 2002

With these past few days reflecting on local elections and the observance of Sept. 11, 2001, let's not forget another important event that affects many in this area.

The United Way of Mower County kicked off its annual campaign Tuesday. This year, the goal is to raise $775,000 locally.

This is about a 10 percent increase from last year, but we're confident the community will once again come through with its support for much needed programs that benefit people from all ages.

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Local United Way workers confided this past week that they weren't sure how this community would react after last year's terrorist attacks. But many responded by giving generously to this organization that helps 29 different nonprofit partner agencies in this area. As a result, the United Way's goal was met.

We support the United Way of Mower County and the many organizations that help those in this area. By contributing to this organization, you're ensuring that help and assistance will continue going to worthy groups in Mower County.