Lyle schools to hold meeting

Published 12:00 am Friday, September 27, 2002

Lyle school's next informational meeting about the proposed $11.1 million school construction will be 7 p.m. Oct. 14 at the school.

The school board, superintendent and facilities committee will be there to answer questions from Lyle residents.

"We'll spend most of the time answering questions," said Superintendent Jerry Reshetar.

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The school officially presented the plan to the public Sept. 10. Most of the meeting was spent explaining the plan and the possible tax increase.

At the Oct. 14 meeting, the board plans briefly to go over the plan and will then explain tax estimates for an 800-acre farm and a 1,200-acre farm.

"We certainly hope to get as many farmers as possible so that we can answer questions and compare data," Reshetar said.

Then residents will be able to ask questions. Reshetar predicts the meeting will conclude at 8:30 p.m.

Reshetar plans to send fliers announcing the meeting to every household in the school district.

In August the Lyle School Board approved a $11.1 million school construction plan, which would be paid for by a 25-year bond. The plan would replace the three-story part of the building and the elementary wing. Science classrooms for middle school students would be added, as well as a new gym.

Lyle residents will vote on the $11.1 million 25-year bond Nov. 5.

Cari Quam can be reached at 434-2235 or by e-mail at