Detailed plan is needed
Published 12:00 am Monday, August 12, 2002
The Mower County commissioners will have an important decision in the coming weeks on whether to award money toward project costs of a plant that would make parts for wind-generating equipment.
McNeilus/Oshkosh officials will present how this proposed venture will benefit the area, before a business subsidy is awarded.
The cap on the county's financial role is a $250,000 loan to the Development Corporation of Austin and a $3.4 million top end on the total estimated costs.
It was recently announced that McNeilus/Oskhosh's financial liability toward this project is $125,000. That money would go toward construction of a new water tower in Dexter and other water main extension lines to the site outside of town.
We're interested in what will happen at the hearing. From what we've heard, this venture sounds beneficial to this area, and it also would provide jobs.
However, it's important that McNeilus/Oskhosh officials provide a detailed plan on how taxpayer money will help a business that will help this area.