Fairgrounds almost ready for county fair

Published 12:00 am Saturday, July 27, 2002

The newly widened entrance road to the Mower County fairgrounds is ready for traffic.

Crane Pavilion's facelift is nearing completion.

In other words, the fairgrounds will be ready for the anticipated crowds, beginning Aug. 6.

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The Mower County Fair Board reported to the county board of commissioners Tuesday on the progress in upgrading the fairgrounds in southwest Austin.

The heavily-used north gate entrance road has been widened to ensure both pedestrians and motorists have a safe passageway to and from the fairgrounds.

Also, the Crane Pavilion will be completely upgraded this summer after a major restoration project.

Painting is going on now and when window work is complete, the project will be declared over.

Crane Pavilion is the most heavily-used building on the fairgrounds during the annual Mower County Fair. It holds the Midwest Steer and Heifer Show, every open class and 4-H or FFA show and other events.

The Mower County Fair runs Aug. 6-11. On Aug. 5, the Mower County Board of Commissioners will join the Mower County Fair Board in opening day ceremonies at noon.

Opening day is also when the annual Outstanding Mower County Fair Persons of the Year award is bestowed by the Fair Board.

Then, the fairgrounds in southwest Austin will host six days of free activities at the Mower County Fair.

The County Board referred requests for budget amendments to the finance committee for recommendations.

The Mower County Emergency Management team wants to buy a new vehicle using the $10,695 earned in selling an old vehicle this spring at the county's surplus property auction.

Also, the environmental health services travel budget needs to be increased by $300.

Both requests will be studied by the county board's finance committee.

In addition, requests to decrease the youth activity center budget by $5,000 and increase the Fair Board budget by $5,000 will also be studied and recommendations made at next week's regular meeting.

Lee Bonorden can be reached at 434-2232 or by e-mail at :mailto:lee.bonorden@austindailyherald.com