Advertising rates for the Austin Daily Herald and Mower County Shopping News

Published 12:00 am Friday, May 24, 2002

The circulation area of the Austin Daily Herald covers parts of six counties in southern Minnesota and northern Iowa. Reach over 20,000 households per week by advertising in both publications.

Display Advertising Rates – Austin Daily Herald

Open Rate$17.00 pci

Email newsletter signup








Internet posting: $6.00 flat per display ad

Ask about running your ad in the Albert Lea market also!

Premium position rates – Austin Daily Herald

The Herald offers numerous opportunities to have your advertisement seen in a premium position. These range from the front page, the first page of classifieds and the KIMT forecast on the back page of the main section of the paper.

Front Foot$115

Front Toe$63

Front Ear/Nose


Sports Foot$69

Living Foot$69

Vital Statistics$55(6 column x 1.5&uot; strip) black & white

Weather Page$110 (6 column x 1.5&uot; strip)

Classified Page$110 (6 column x 1.5&uot; strip) black and white

All ads listed above are based on a 13 week commitment and include process color unless otherwise noted.

Classified Rates

Sunday$13.70 pci







Ask about running your ad in the Albert Lea market also!

Color Rates

Add color to your advertisement for that added punch and draw even more attention to your business!

Spot Color (red, blue, green)$55

Process Color$120

Online Advertising

Place your ad online at and be seen around the World by nearly 300,000 people each month. We can also tailor a print and online package to fit your needs for one low price.

Any Print ad$6 flat/week

Yellow Pages$55/year


Rail Button$90/month

Web Directory$50/month


All deadlines for display advertiements are 5 PM 2 work days prior to publication. Classified deadlines are Noon 2 work days prior to publication with the Monday deadline being Thursday at 5 PM

Mechanical Specifications

Display – Column Width: 1.833&uot;

Full Page: 11.625&uot;x21.5&uot;

Tabloid – Column Width: 1.833&uot;

Full Page: 9.667&uot;x11.625&uot;

Classified – Column Width: 1.05&uot;

Full Page: 11.625&uot;x21.5&uot;