Oak Park Mall hosts art exhibit

Published 12:00 am Friday, April 19, 2002

Robert Finkler taught visual arts -- drawing and painting -- at the University in Mankato until he retired. His exhibition includes recognizable subject matters as well as abstract forms in vivid colors, all speaking for keenly emotional involvement by the artist.

In his own words, the work in this exhibition at the Oak Park Mall in Austin can be roughly divided into three groups. The first group includes the paintings Trophy, Three Runners, Runner and Precious Stone, the second group is the collages and the third group the large paintings.

The work is generally concerned with elements suggesting movement and contrasting elements that contain the movement.

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While painting, Finkler tries to move rapidly from one area to another before self-doubt or negative thought intervenes.

The small collages are examples of this approach of working spontaneously without a set image in mind.

The large paintings, mostly done in his favorite medium, acrylics, deal with these issues in individual ways.

"I make no conscious effort to develop a series of similar appearing paintings; I prefer to trust the process to unify the work," he writes.

The grand opening of the exhibit was April 7, in the mall's art center. The art center is open to visitors Wednesday through Sunday afternoons.