Don#039;t let politics get in the way
Published 12:00 am Thursday, April 25, 2002
It's being reported the reason the Minnesota State Legislature has gotten virtually nothing done to this point is because Senate DFLers are holding things up until after the conclusion of the DFL Party's State Convention.
Members of the Republican-controlled State House contend Roger Moe, DFL-Erksine, who is a DFL candidate for governor and the Senate Majority Leader, is holding things up to help create a promising picture for convention delegates.
To his credit, Moe has dismissed the allegations, suggesting the Senate will simply not agree to certain measures the Republican-controlled house is pushing.
The House and the Senate reportedly disagree on the extent of cuts to the state's budget and the amount of funding for transportation.
Citizens of Minnesota can only hope Moe is telling the truth and is sincere that legitimate issues -- and not politics -- are the reason for the delays. Holding things up at this point for political purposes, whether it is for party or individual gain, is outrageous.
It's already frustrating enough to have another session drag on with nothing of substance being accomplished.