Crews staying on top of job

Published 12:00 am Saturday, December 23, 2000

No doubt about it.

Saturday, December 23, 2000

No doubt about it.

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Austin’s street crews have had their work cut out for them recently.

With inches of snow seemingly turning into feet of snow falling on the city, and blowing winds that are enough to blow you off the street corner, this city’s servants are incessantly out with construction and snow-removal gear making the streets safer thoroughfares.

They’re doing a good job.

For many of these public servants, it’s a thankless job, but one that is necessary for the safety of our residents. It’s certainly thankless when residents call to complain about their driveways being plowed in during the duties of our plow drivers to keep our streets safe and open, not only for our residents, but also for emergency vehicles.

There’s no doubt about it that our residents can get around town unimpeded, for the most part, and safely.

Our city streets workers should be congratulated for a job well done. We realize the long hours these crews put in for the city. Their efforts are seen while we drive around the city. We’re fortunate to have our streets in such good condition considering the nasty conditions we’ve encountered recently. And it goes without saying how well our county and state highway crews are handling the extra duty, too.