Voters have the chance to listen up and learn something
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, January 19, 2000
And the debates are on!.
Wednesday, January 19, 2000
And the debates are on!
With the Iowa caucuses days away and the New Hampshire primary looming, presidential debates are coming so thick and fast it seems like the only people having conversations anymore are doing so with the help of a well-known moderator.
Presidential politics aren’t the only ones being played out in the debate forum. Five DFL candidates who seek to oust Sen. Rod Grams from his seat met for some polite sparring on all the pertinent topics.
It’s gotten to the point that National Public Radio and Minnesota Public Radio are becoming lunchtime companions as voters get to know their choices better.
Some voters, that is, and hopefully, a lot of voters will choose to listen in on these jousting matches of ideals and rhetoric.
Yes, there is a lot of hot air rising above these events. Yes, the posturing and sometimes vagueness can get annoying. But underneath that are extremely smart folks who seek to do the best job they can do for the United States. One of them will be president this time next year. One of them may have usurped a Senate seat.
Now is the time for voters to attend to their education and to learn the measure of the folks who seek to lead them. It’s as easy as a little lunchtime listening or flipping on the debate after dinner.
Sure, there’s something else on.
But is there anything which will better prepare the voters for November 2000?