Give the gift of your own life, and that of others
Published 12:00 am Friday, December 24, 1999
Snow sparkles in the air and on the ground, holiday music pours from speakers and families come together to open presents and have a gigantic dinner.
Friday, December 24, 1999
Snow sparkles in the air and on the ground, holiday music pours from speakers and families come together to open presents and have a gigantic dinner.
It’s a lovely Christmas outside and in, and a little caution can go a long way to keeping it that way.
Recent headlines about the dangers of driving drowsy are particularly pertinent during this holiday season. People drive long distances to see family they may not see again until the same time next year. Parties, both Christmas and New Year’s, drag into the late hours, so even people who are sober get into their cars more exhausted than not.
A wreck at Christmas can ruin a day, or a life, or destroy the holiday for a family forever.
Please, if you’re tired when you get in your car to go home, don’t drive. Your judgment may be as impaired as if you were drunk.
Call a cab. If the drive is too long for a cab, call a hotel. Get a good sleep in before sliding back behind the wheel.
It’s a good gift holiday drivers can give to themselves, and to everyone else on the road.