Early returns indicate referendum passes, ;br; board to gain new faces

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, November 3, 1999

As votes were tallied and voters were slipping off to bed Tuesday night, early indications pointed to an overwhelming passage of the school levy override referendum, and to an era of new faces on the Austin Public School Board.

Wednesday, November 03, 1999

As votes were tallied and voters were slipping off to bed Tuesday night, early indications pointed to an overwhelming passage of the school levy override referendum, and to an era of new faces on the Austin Public School Board.

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With all but two precincts tallied at 12:30 a.m. Wednesday morning, the referendum appeared to have more than double "Yes" votes than "No" votes. Those early numbers appeared to be close to 2,700 to about 1,200.

With Banfield and Sumer the only precincts not tallied at 1 a.m., four people seemed to have a firm grasp on the four seats available on the Austin Public School Board. Four incumbents and thirteen challengers had filed for those seats, and the challengers appeared to have prevailed. However, with more than 2,000 possible ballots left to count at each Sumner and Banfield schools, the race could change.

Apparently ousting incumbents Carolyn Bogott, Brian McAlister, John Ulland and Lewis Aase are Larry Anderson, Kathy Green, Bruce Loveland and Bev Nordby, each with more than 1,000 votes.