YMCA president expresses ;br; concern as architect approved
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, September 8, 1999
Dennis Boik said the YMCA is supportive of the city’s proposal to renovate Riverside Arena, the YMCA board president asked only that the city try not to duplicate services already offered by the YMCA.
Wednesday, September 08, 1999
Dennis Boik said the YMCA is supportive of the city’s proposal to renovate Riverside Arena, the YMCA board president asked only that the city try not to duplicate services already offered by the YMCA.
Boik addressed the council before the 6-0 vote (council member Roberto Romo was absent) in favor of proceeding with a request for bonding from the state as well as council approval of Ankeny Kell Architects for the renovation.
"I think Austin is very fortunate to have a YMCA of the stature that we have, with the number of programs that support kids and families in this community," Boik said. "No one is opposed to the renovation at Riverside, we ask that you study the need before you proceed with the architect."
Boik used indoor basketball and volleyball courts as an example of a need that exists in the community, while pointing out that indoor tennis courts are a need more than adequately filled by the YMCA.
The approved application will go to the Minnesota Department of Finance for bonding support in the proposed conversion of Riverside Arena into the Austin Area Activity Center. The city is asking the state for $900,000 toward the conversion, funds that would have to be matched by the city’s contribution to the project.
The city hopes to turn the arena – now largely an ice skating/ice hockey facility – into a place that would serve a broader type of recreational and community services if the county arena proposal materializes.