Woman creates nasty ;br; mess after arrest
Published 12:00 am Thursday, September 9, 1999
Austin Police arrested Austin resident Ellen Elizabeth Hubbard just after midnight this morning and wound up with more than an outstanding warrant on their hands.
Thursday, September 09, 1999
Austin Police arrested Austin resident Ellen Elizabeth Hubbard just after midnight this morning and wound up with more than an outstanding warrant on their hands.
Hubbard, 24, was spotted and arrested during a routine call to Torge’s Bar and Grill where a disturbance had been reported but settled before police arrived. According to the police report, officers recognized Hubbard at the bar and knew there was a warrant outstanding for failure to appear in court as well as driving after a suspended license. Officers informed Hubbard that she was under arrest in the lobby, and took her to the Mower County jail.
Once there, the police report stated, police found a crack pipe, a pipe cleaner, a bag partially full of baking soda and a pill bottle containing a yellow rock suspected of being crack. At that point, Hubbard lunged across the counter in the booking room, tried to grab the rock, and became extremely agitated. While officers attempted to gain control of Hubbard, she swore and smeared fecal matter in several locations in the booking room. The subject was eventually calmed and taken to the shower room.
Additional charges of felony possession of a controlled substance, possession of paraphernalia and disorderly conduct are being considered. The matter was referred to and will be decided by the Mower County attorney.
Man injured in farm accident
Richard Thomas Carroll, 56, was taken to Austin Medical Center after he was pinned between a tractor loader and a fence post. Carroll got off the tractor to open a gate, but, according to the report, before he could get the gate open the tractor rolled forward, pinning him between the loader and the post. Carroll was working alone, but eventually managed to free himself and drove the tractor to the Wayne Kenyon farm nearby for help.
Gold Cross ambulance transported Carroll to the Austin Medical Center, where he is reported in stable condition today.