Hope still alive for Kinder Academy

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, August 24, 1999

The final word on the Austin Kinder Academy isn’t out yet, but director of educational services Candace Raskin hasn’t given up hope.

Tuesday, August 24, 1999

The final word on the Austin Kinder Academy isn’t out yet, but director of educational services Candace Raskin hasn’t given up hope. A last minute flurry of registrations could save the self-supporting pilot program for kindergarten students who want a whole day of school.

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Kinder Academy was designed to supplement a child’s regular kindergarten program over the second half of the day. It was also fee-based and optional and the numbers simply weren’t there after registration supposedly finished on Thursday.

"I still think there’s a need for it," Raskin said, "I think we didn’t get the numbers because people were confused."

Part of the reason for the confusion may be the fact that the program isn’t really a district program, it’s being offered through Community Education. Therefore, district dollars don’t pay for the half-day educational program, parents do. However, there are tax rebates – for those are under a certain income level – and tax credits that families could use to offset costs.

"The state won’t pay for all day kindergartens, but they work in other districts so we want to try it," Raskin said. "Kinder Academy is intended more for parents currently paying childcare who would prefer their kids had some additional academic experience. It wouldn’t replace any of the districts programs, and it has to pay for itself."

Raskin also said she didn’t think any children would be turned away because they couldn’t afford the program, scholarships are a possibility or financial assistance from places other than the school district’s budget.

Raskin has been the spokesperson for the Kinder Academy because she initiated the idea, and because the district is still in the process of hiring a director for the Community Education department.

"I got involved because I thought it was a great idea and it was a way to reach more kids," Raskin said. "It’s not in my department anymore."

Anyone interested in the program or who has questions is encouraged to call 433-0961 or stop by the district administration office.