BBQ for a cause; 8th annual Farm Boy Barbecue event planned for Saturday

Published 10:18 am Friday, April 1, 2016

Area residents are about to chow down to raise money to fight cancer.

The eighth annual Farm Boy Barbecue will be held at the Lyle American Legion, 112 Grove St., from 4:30 to 8 p.m. Saturday.

The dinner will feature Joe Rosenberg’s ribs and chicken, along with pies and some other sides.

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Rosenberg organizes the event and donates the food for the cancer fundraiser in honor of his grandfather, Sylvan Faas. Free will donations will be accepted with proceeds going to the Lyle Area Cancer Auction.

The family buys all the food and supplies and donates all money raised to the Lyle Area Cancer.

LAC volunteer Gary Ziegler called it a touching donation to LAC and a touching tribute to Faas.

“It’s really a remarkable donation,” Ziegler said.

Rosenberg plans to serve about 700 plates this year after raising $12,022 last year, according to LAC volunteers.

Rosenberg, a nationally recognized competitive cook, has competed in several Kansas City Barbecue Society competitions as far away as Mississippi, Arkansas and Florida. He holds this event every year to recognize his grandfather, a former commander at the Legion.

Lyle Area Cancer raised more than $227,000 for local cancer research at 2015-16 events, which culminated in the 37th Lyle Area Cancer Auction this January.