Austin City Council approves budget

Published 10:14 am Tuesday, December 22, 2015

The Austin City Council formally approved its $29.9 million budget Monday night.

New hires are one of the biggest changes that drove the city’s $29.9 million 2016 budget and a $4.9 million tax levy, which is an increase of $575,000.

Director of Administrative Services Tom Dankert has noted much of the increase will go toward hiring a new police officer, a new detective, a Jay C. Hormel Nature Center employee and a new parks and recreation department worker with the levy increase to bring the total to about 143 city employees.

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City staff would hire the nature center and parks employees midway through 2016 to save money.

Looking over tax statements, Dankert told the council that average homes could see an increase of close to $30 on their tax statements, but that often depends on value changes and the overall home value.

“You’re probably in the $30 range for the average homeowner, and for that you’re primarily getting two new officers, another parks and recreation person and a nature center help,” Dankert previously said.

In other business, the city also approved it’s annual five-year capital improvement plan, which outlines projects planned for 2016 and proposed projects for 2017-2020, though those will depend on funding.

Local 2016 levies set

With the council’s approval, all local 2016 levies are now set.

•Austin Public Schools set its levy at roughly $6.7 million — 1.57 percent decrease.

•The Mower County board set its 2016 levy at $19.25 million — or an increase at about 3.4 percent or $635,700.