Fire devastates block in north Minneapolis

Published 10:17 am Thursday, April 16, 2015

MINNEAPOLIS — Dozens of firefighters were called out to battle a huge fire that devastated a commercial block and injured some people in north Minneapolis.

The Minneapolis Fire Department says four people were taken to Hennepin County Medical Center. Their conditions are unknown. No firefighters were hurt.

The fire broke out shortly before 9 a.m. Wednesday in a building that houses several side-by-side businesses. Officials say the fire apparently started in an Unbank check-cashing and loan business.

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Firefighters had to attack the blaze from outside when a second floor collapsed. Adjacent businesses were evacuated.

The Star Tribune reports about a dozen people were removed from the burning businesses.

About 40 firefighters were called to battle the blaze. Several fire crews still were on the scene by late afternoon.