Our Opinion: Voice your view: Contact elected officials

Published 9:22 am Thursday, January 8, 2015

Casting a ballot in November elections is only one way for the public’s voice to be heard.

The conversation should be year-round. With the Minnesota legislative session underway and newly elected officials now in office, it’s a good time to remember that the public should reach out to elected officials whenever issues arise. Here is the contact information for local elected officials.

We also invite the public to submit letters for publication to newsroom@austindailyherald.com.


Email newsletter signup

—Sen. Dan Sparks, DFL, District 27: 651-296-9248, sen.dan.sparks@senate.mn,

—Rep. Jeanne Poppe, DFL, District 27B: 651-296-4193, rep.jeanne.poppe@house.mn

—Rep. Peggy Bennett, GOP, District 27A: 651-296-8216 or rep.peggy.bennett@house.mn

—Gov. Mark Dayton, DFL: 651-201-3400, mark.dayton@state.mn.us


—Al Franken, DFL: 202-224-5641,


309 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, D.C., 20510

—Amy Klobuchar, DFL: 202-224-3244


302 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, D.C., 20510

Austin City Council

—Tom Stiehm, Mayor: 507-437-9965, mayor@ci.austin.mn.us

—Janet Anderson, at-large: 507-219-0680, janetanderson2840@gmail.com

—Michael Jordal, 1st Ward: 507-440-3708, jordalm@charter.net

—Dave Hagen, 2nd Ward: 507-438-1442, dhagen@ksmq.org

—Jeremy Carolan, 507-438-4290, jeremycarolan@gmail.com

—Jeff Austin, 1st Ward, 507-438-7730, bgyglfr6@hotmail.com

—Steve King, 2nd Ward, 507-438-0599, stevek@co.mower.mn.us

—Judy Enright, 3rd Ward, 507-440-3326, judy.enright@yahoo.com

Austin School Board

—Angie Goetz, chair: 507-437-4881, angie.goetz@austin.k12.mn.us

—Don Fox, vice-chair: 507-433-3016, don.fox@austin.k12.mn.us

—Peggy Young, director: 507-437-4972, peggy.young@austin.k12.mn.us

—Kathy Green, director: 507-437-8667, kathy.green@austin.k12.mn.us

—Mary Jane Kestner, clerk: 507-438-1697, mary.kestner@austin.k12.mn.us

—Don Leathers, treasurer: 507-433-1119, don.leathers@austin.k12.mn.us

—Richard Lees, director: 507-433-2606, dick.lees@austin.k12.mn.us

Mower County Board of Commissioners

—Tim Gabrielson, 1st District: 507-433-2598, tim.gabrielson@co.mower.mn.us

—Polly Glynn, 2nd District, vice-chair: 507-269-4498, pglynn@hmtel.com

—Jerry Reinartz, 3rd District: 507-219-2205, jerry.reinartz@hotmail.com

—Tony Bennett, 4th District: 507-440-1203, tony@old218.com

—Mike Ankeny, 5th District, chair: 507-433-4157, mlankeny@ankenysminimart.com