4-H clubs divvy out annual awards

Published 9:12 am Friday, December 12, 2014

Picture left: Several 4-H’ers and adult leaders pose after receiving awards. Pictured right: Key Award Winner Amy Boullion accepts her award. -- Photos provided

Picture left: Several 4-H’ers and adult leaders pose after receiving awards. — Photo provided

The Mower County 4-H, held its annual recognition banquet Nov. 20, at Sacred Heart Church in Adams.

Mower County 4-H members Noah Carroll and Sally Peterson welcomed all 223 guests to the 2014 Banquet. The evening started out with a meal prepared by Sacred Heart Church members. When the meal was complete the awards started flowing.

Members received record pins for completion of livestock and/or general project records, and medals for projects receiving an overall champion at the 2014 Mower County Fair. 4-H’ers were also recognized for their participation in Project Bowl Teams and Livestock Judging Teams. It was a special night for our first time livestock exhibitors as they were given a trophy for all of their hard work.

Key Award Winner Amy Boullion accepts her award. -- Photos provided

Key Award Winner Amy Boullion accepts her award. — Photo provided

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It was a great night filled with well-deserved awards and many smiles. The evening ended with a year in review slide-show and door prizes given out by Darrell Ingvaldson on behalf of Farm Bureau Financial Services and Mower County Dairy Association, Gene Anderson. Please see below for a complete list of the awards. For information about sponsoring an award please contact Kristin Krell at the Mower County Extension Office 507-437-9552.


2014 4-H Awards

Special awards:

•Shears Award Knowledge gained through the Clothing Project: Ashley Conradt. Sponsored by Belles and Beaus Bridal and Formal Wear, Presented by Marie Fryer.

•Livestock Demonstration Team Champion: Kristine Schechinger and Rachel Meany (Grades 6-8)

•Livestock Demonstration Individual Champion: Josh Hill (Grades 6-8)

•Livestock Demonstration Individual Champion: Kelsie Lamp (Grades 9-plus)

•General Demonstration Team Champion: Isaac Beck and Isikiyah Hemann (Grade 3-5)

•General Demonstration Individual Champion: Isaac Drees (Grade 3-5)

•General Demonstration (Individual) Reserve Champion: Wiatte Pudenz (Grades 3-5). Sponsored by the family of Genevieve Ulwelling in her memory, Presented by Sheila Hemann

•Environmental Education and Economic Awareness Award: Andrew Sayles and Victoria Hansen. Sponsored by Darrell Ingvaldson on behalf of Farm Bureau Financial Services.

•Food Review Exhibitor Award Dairy Product in Recipe: Abigail Mueller. Sponsored by Mower County American Dairy Association, presented by Gene Anderson.

•Electrification Awards: Carter Conradt and Wiatte Pudenz, sponsored by Freeborn-Mower Cooperative Services, presented by Frank Fryer.

•Challenge Project Winners Video: 4-H Promotional, Lisa Stundahl and Abby Mueller

•Marlys Larick Memorial Awards: Champion Clothing-Sewing: Ashley Conradt, Champion Overall Ewe: Brock Erickson, Champion Overall Wether: Chloe Anderson, Champion Market Barrow: Wyatt Holst, Champion Breeding Gilt: Braeden Reuter.

•Deb Schammel Grow Green Award: Emily Brekke, sponsored by the Schammel Family in Memory of Deb Schammel. Presented by Rocky Schammel.

•I Dare You Award: Michael Carroll and Emily Sayles, sponsored by Mower County 4-H, chosen by 4-H Advisory Board.

•Outstanding Long Time Dairy Exhibitor Award: Laura Meany and Paul Schaefer, sponsored and presented by Mower County Dairy Association, Gene Anderson

•Harlow Sayles Memorial Award: Laura Meany, sponsored by bhe Harlow Sayles Family, presented by Sheldon Sayles

•Tony Burke Memorial Outstanding 4-H Swine Exhibitor Award: Paul Schaefer, sponsored by Gary and Elaine Braaten, Ella Marie Lausen, Rick and Janice Miller, Gary and Jane Thome, Larry and Bettie Miller, Dan and Joyce Vermilyea, Myron Dammann Linda and Butch Lerum, Ernest and Sandy Halbach, Austin FFA Alumni, Janet Siewert, Hormel Foods

•Grass, Lunning, Nelson Outstanding Livestock Exhibitor Award: Laura Meany, sponsored and Presented by Richard and Bonnie Grass and John and Sharon Grass

•4-H Scholarships: Levi Anderson, Samantha Ivers, Tyler Amick and Laura Siegfried

•Honorary Leaders: Lloyd Amick and Julie Hendrickson, sponsored by Wilma Sola, In Memory of Robert Sola Jr.

•Friends of 4-H, Business: Hayfield T-Shirts and Individual: Diane and Jerry Sampson, sponsored and Presented by Mower County 4-H

•Silver Clover Award – Five Year Leader: Kris Allas

•Gold Clover Awards – 10 Year Leaders: Lloyd Amick, Debbie Brekke, Rebecca Jax and Chelsea Wradislavsky

•Pearl Clover Award 15 Year. Leader: Julie Hendrikson

•Diamond Clover Awards 20 Year Leaders: William Perkins and Lynette Wradislavsky

•Pearl Clover Award 55 Year Leader: John Grass

•2014 Top Ambassadors: Tyler Amick, Kristine Schechinger and Hannah Mueller, Honorable Mention Abby Jewett and Rachel Meany. *Honors given based on point system*

•Key Award Winner: Amy Boullion, sponsored and Presented by Gerald and Diane Sampson

County Project Record Winners

•General Projects: Victoria Hansen: Foods and Nutrition and Self Determined; Ashley Conradt: Clothing and Textiles; Connor Freerksen: Tractor; Nicole Freerksen: Horseless Horse; Natalie Sayles: Safety, Exploring the Environment and Forest Rescue.

•Livestock-Beef: Collin Grass and Victoria Hansen

•Cloverbuds: Lydia Drees, Luke Hansen, Amy Smith, Ethan Lunning, Marissa Shute, Kensie Heusinkveld

•Evaluation: Dylan Lunning and Gloria Hansen

•Neat and Complete: Jr. Grades 3-8 Issac Drees, Lucas Heusinkveld, Cassidy Shute and Emily Sayles

Sr. Grades 9-plus Carter Conradt and Shelby Lunning

Outstanding Club Officers

President: Natalie Sayles– Enterprise and Secretary: Emily Sayles-Enterprise

•Food Stand and Dairy Bar Award Sponsored by Mower County 4-H

Food Stand: Enterprise and Dairy Bar: LeRoy Wide-A-Wake

Herdsmanship Awards

Beef Herdsmanship: Enterprise, Swine Herdsmanship: Red Rock Rangers, Dairy Herdsmanship: Lucky Clovers, Sheep Herdsmanship: Racine Ramblers, Goat Herdsmanship: Red Rock Rangers, Poultry Herdsmanship: Enterprise, Llama Herdsmanship (done by individual pen): Elijah Hemann, Overall Herdsmanship: Enterprise.

General Project Awards Overall Champions *

Champions were chosen at county fair*:

Computer: Sally Peterson, Aerospace: Lily Hughes, Shop: Kendra Goetz, Small Engine: Jason Braun, Robotics: Logan Goslee, Engineering design: Noah Wollersheim, Global Connections: Laura Meany, Youth Leadership: Laura Meany, Citizenship: Emily Allas, Food and Nutrition: Emily Gerber, Food Preservation: Kaysie Allen, Food Review: Dani Jax, Health: Elijah Hemann, Cat: Emily Sayles, Dog Posters: Rebeka Yunker, Exploring Animals: Natalie Sayles, Horse Related: Courtney Lammey, Veterinary Science: Brock Erickson, Photography: Isaac Kubas, Crafts: Makaya Morgan, Performing Arts: Joseph and Levi Seeman, Self-Determined: Morgan Beckmann, Fishing Sports: Tim Farrell, Shooting Sports: Isaac Wollersheim, Wildlife Biology: Natalie Sayles, Child and Family Dev: Natalie Sayles, Consumer Ed: Abigail Mueller, Home Environment: Laura Siegfreid, Fashion Review Clothes you Buy: Laura Siegfreid, Fashion Review Clothes you Make: Elizabeth Wolterman, Fine Arts: Danielle Hinz, Needle Arts: Kristine Schechinger, Non Garment: Autumn Feine, Quilting: Natalie Sayles, Safety: Nicole Freerksen, Share your Sew: Ashley Conradt, Flower Gardening: Amy Peterson, Fruit: Lisa Stundahl, Indoor Gardening: Emily Sayles, Lawn and Landscape Design: Joshua Krebsbach, Plant and Soil Science: Natalie Sayles, Potatoes: Timothy Farrell, Small Grains/Legumes: Danielle Jax, Tractor: Aiden Manggaard, Vegetable Garden: Morgan Brown, Entomology: Tim Farrell, Forest Resources: Natalie Sayles, Geology: Joshua Hill and Water / Wetland: Natalie Sayles.

2014 Project Bowl and Judging Teams

•Senior General Livestock Team: Wyatt Holst, Levi Anderson, Paul Schaefer, Connor Bollum, Carter Conradt, Hannah Mueller and Coach: Bob Balgeman

•Junior General Livestock Team: “Gelbvieh” – State Champions! Grace Bergstrom, Colton Ivers, Emma Holst, Ashley Conradt, Josh Bollum, Emily Bollum and Coach: Julie Holst

•Junior General Livestock Team “Charolais” – Gretta Bergstrom, Ella Thome, Katie Thome, Kaitlyn Hilton, Grace Hilton, Garrett Lahann and Coach: Julie Holst

•Junior Rabbit Team “Rabbit Dynasty” – Isabel Beck, Abby Mueller, Kory Klouse, Mason Silbaugh and Coach: Jillian Flink

•Junior Rabbit Team “Freeborn/Mower Mini’s” – Brianna Klouse, Korrie Crouch, Megan Silbaugh, Wiatte Pudenz and Coach: Amanda Klouse

•Senior Rabbit Team “ Bunnies in Boots” – Lisa Stundahl, Abby Jewett, Elizabeth Benson, Makayla Morgan, Morgan Beckmann and Coach: Diane Stundahl

•Senior Rabbit Team “ Silver Foxes” – Sam Hulst, Tim Farrell, Tyler Amick, Jacob Mueller, Blaine Anderson and Coach: Steffanie Stundahl

•Horse Judging Team: Naomi Dalton, Chrystal Mullenbach, Breanna Winfield, Jenna Lieffert and Shelby Mindrup

•General Livestock Judging: Madison Stout, Sam Hulst, Brock Erickson, Connor Bollum, Luke Risius, Blaine Anderson and Coach: Brenda Anderson

4-H Graduates

Rachael Allen, Alexis Anderson, Michelle Churchill, Amanda Enstad, Benjamin Farrell, Caleb Frank, Mary Hammermeister, Samantha Ivers, Christopher Mandt, Elizabeth May, Laura Meany, Rachel Moe, Megan Mullenbach, Colten Reuter, Paul Schaefer, Laura Siegfreid, Lisa Stundahl, Garret Thompson and Taylor Weber.

2013-2014 Mower County Ambassadors

Tysha Allen, Tyler Amick, Isabel Beck, Morgan Beckmann, Elizabeth Benson, Amy Boullion, Emily Brekke, Ashley Conradt, Tim Farrell, Faith Gehling, Kendra Goetz, Beth Hill, Josh Hill, Josh Irvin, Abby Jewett, Laura Meany, Rachel Meany, Makayla Morgan, Hannah Mueller, Jacob Mueller, Kristine Schechinger, Lindsey Sheely, Jonah Smith, Kale Stafford, Lisa Stundahl, Lizzy Wolterman Advisors :Gayle Perkins and Steffanie Stundahl.

New 2014-2015 Mower County Ambassadors

Tyler Amick, Isabel Beck, Morgan Beckmann, Amy Boullion, Emily Brekke, Ashley Conradt, Tim Farrell, Kendra Goetz, Beth Hill, Josh Hill, Kaitlyn Hilton, Josh Irvin, Abby Jewett, Rachel Meany, Brett Miller, Abby Mueller, Hannah Mueller, Jacob Mueller, Kristine Schechinger, Lindsey Sheely, Jonah Smith, Isaac Wollersheim, Lizzy Wolterman and Advisor: Gayle Perkins .

Recognition of Retiring 4-H Advisory Board Members:

Youth Members-Tyler Amick, Ashley Conradt, Brock Erickson and Emily Brekke. Adult Representatives- Jessica Morgan, John Carroll, Diane Boullion and Daryl Peterson.

Recognition of 2014-2015 4-H Advisory Board: Officers

President– Sally Peterson, Vice President- Noah Carroll, Secretary– Natalie Sayles, Treasurer- Gayle Perkin, Youth Treasurer- Amy Boullion, Reporter MaKayla Morgan, Historian– Emily Sayles, Youth At Large– Josh Irvin, Michael Carroll and Nick Baier. District Representatives: South- Steve Reinartz, Sheila Hemann and Rachel Meany, East- Bob Grass, Misty Heusinkveld and Collin Grass, West- Debbie Brekke, Kevin Klouse and Amy Peterson, North- Becky Jax and Bill Hilton