Letter: Solar may be key in curbing emissions

Published 9:31 am Wednesday, November 26, 2014

In reference to the Associated Press article “UN climate report offers stark warnings, hope,” a new report by Environment Minnesota Research & Policy Center shows that solar can play a critical role in curbing global warming pollution if we can get it to the next level. Doing so is achievable. In fact, solar growth our state could even slow down and we could still reach 10 percent solar by 2030.

Doing so would cut as much carbon pollution as 1.3 million cars emit in a year, and get Minnesota more than half of the way to the benchmark set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Power Plan.

Ten percent solar is just a small fraction of what’s possible, but it would make a big difference in the quality of our lives and the future of our planet.

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Elizabeth Berg,

Environment Minnesota
