The barkless dogs and moving furniture

Published 3:36 pm Saturday, July 28, 2012

Some people great the morning with a smile, but it’s more natural to protest its presence with sleepy sulkiness. “Who asked you to come again?” we feel like saying to it, as if it were a most unwelcome guest. — Brendan Francis


Well here I am again, sitting in front of Fred who sits on the back of the couch and Mello at the other end looking for someone to bark at.

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A few minutes ago Kent Simonson and his wife passed by walking their little dog that I think is even smaller than Fred. And Mello, bless her heart, didn’t bark at them ether. However, she did growl a bit.

Tomorrow, which will be read as last Wednesday, was the day I drove up to visit Knowles Daugherty and meet up with Skyler. I will fill you in on that a week from last Sunday if that makes sense.

We have been rearranging furniture in the house or should say I have been responding to notes that were taped to various wall areas in the house. Moving one of the bookshelves was a major task and sliding the empty bookshelf across the floor wasn’t an easy task either.

I was also able to peddle some books around; not a swarm but a few. And there are more. I’ve been invited to do some reading up around Jana’s territory so maybe I will get another view of Frank LL Wright’s service station in Cloquet and get another peek at the beautiful home he planted on the side of a hill..

And now I’m trying to read through stuff I wrote over the years and finding it worthwhile, at least in my mind. However there is no guarantee it will be received as well as “You Much Crazy.”

Mello was napping on the smaller couch and then opened his eyes as I typed this and Fred has climbed down from behind me and is now occupying Mello’s former place.

If you are interested in a funny-looking couch, we have one that is available… free.