Staying social leads to a healthier life

Published 4:45 pm Saturday, March 24, 2012

Staying connected to other people through a wide variety of social activities can yield important health consequences as you age.

That’s the message from a new study that found that older adults who maintain high levels of social activity or ramp up their social life as they age might be protected from increases in physical and cognitive issues over time.

An increasing body of evidence has suggested that participating in mentally stimulating activity, socializing frequently and exercising may help protect against age-related decline, at least cognitive decline. A study of nearly 1,000 people revealed that increased social activity, things like going out to eat with friends, taking trips, and, yes, playing cards and Bingo, decreased the risk of injury and disability in a group of older adults.

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Although it’s not exactly clear how socializing wards off disability, the recent study shows that it’s not simply a matter of social people being more active. Scientists theorize that there is something more at work, that, somehow, frequent interaction with others not only keeps the brain sharp but helps support the musculoskeletal system, too. It may also be that people’s social ties motivate them to stay in good physical shape so they can continue to get out and enjoy other people’s company.

A great way to stay social in this community is to spend time at the senior center. Monday – Friday there is a great lunch in the dining room. We have many great exercise programs that run every day of the week. A cafe to have coffee and a shack as you sit down with a friend to socialize. Don’t forget about Evie’s Travel. She has another year of great trips lined up for you. And of course weekly we have cards, billiards, chess and bingo.

There is interest in playing euchre every week. If you are a euchre player and want to get together with others that love the game come on down. We have others that love the game and want to play more.


Upcoming Events

Monday: Blood pressure, 9 a.m.; cards (Pinochle, Bridge), 12:30 p.m.; Evies Exercise, 1 p.m.

Tuesday: Silver Sneakers, 8:30 a.m.; Exercise with Evie, 9 a.m.; Wellness Clinic 10:30 a.m.;cards (Pinochle, Duplicate Bridge), 12:30 p.m.; SilverSneakers, 4:30 p.m.; Zumba Gold, 4 p.m.; Zumba, 5:30 p.m.; movie, “Grease,” 6 p.m.

Wednesday: Wood Carvers Club, 8:30 a.m.; Tai Chi, 9:30 a.m.; cards (Pinochle, Cribbage), 12:30 p.m.; Stitching Bees, 1 p.m.; open chess, 1 p.m.

Thursday: Silver Sneakers, 8:30 a.m.; Exercise with Evie, 9 a.m.; cards (Pinochle, Duplicate Bridge), 12:30 p.m.;Bingo, 1 p.m.; open chess, 1 p.m.; computer class, 2 p.m.; Silver Sneakers, 4:30 p.m.; Zumba Gold, 4 p.m.; Zumba, 5:30 p.m.

Friday: Tai Chi, 9:30 a.m.; Cards (Bridge), 12:30 p.m.


Weekly Card Results

Monday Bridge

March 12, three tables

1st Bud Higgins, 2nd Larry Larson, 3rd Russ Vaale, 4th John Allen, 5th Carolyn Higgins

Tuesday Duplicate Bridge

March 13, four tables

1st Ray Schmidt, 1st Gayle Schmidt; 2nd Dave Solomonson, 2nd Lorraine Lippert; 3rd Bud Higgins, 3rd Jim Fisher; 4th Russ Vaale, 4th Mable Vaale, 4th Joyce Crowe, 4th Marge Blaser.

Tuesday “500”

March 13, four tables

1st Wayne Chilson,

2nd Sam Brunton, 3rd Wilbur Mittag, 4th Dorothy Stern


March 15: 1st Dorothy Scloo; March 16: 1st Mildred Ballantyne

Friday Bridge

March 16, three tables

1st Loretta Nelson, 2nd Arnie Lang, 3rd Mary Johnson, 4th Bill Meyer,

5th John Allen

Weekly Cribbage

March 14,3.5 tables

1st Barb Dickman, 2nd Lorraine Law, 3rd Jessie Swain, 4th Mable Vaale

Weekly “500”

March 16, 4 tables

1st Eddie Hall, 2nd Bernice Scholer, 3rd Willard Ballantyne, 4th Beulah Luthe


Semcac Daily Meals

Monday: Ham balls. Alternate: Ground Beef

Tuesday: Beef Pot Roast

Wednesday: Baked Chicken

Thursday: Beef Tetrazzini

Friday: Salmon loaf. Alternate: Kielbasa