Funds available for social service projects for older adults
Area seniors are getting a break, thanks to a federal grant.
The Southeastern Minnesota Area Agency on Aging (SEMAAA) has federal Older American Act funds for 2016 available.
These resources are for social service projects to serve people 60 years of age and older in the 11 counties of Southeastern Minnesota.
Nonprofit, and in some cases for profit organizations, approved by the state of Minnesota are eligible to receive these grants. Grants are not available to individuals.
Title III-B funds available for grants will be about $336,000. Funds are intended for programs and services that target more frail, older individuals to maintain maximum independence and dignity within their own homes.
Priorities include: access services, chores, assisted transportation, information and assistance, and legal assistance. Other services may be considered.
Title III-E funds available for grants will be about $185,000. These funds are intended for programs that assist caregivers with support in caring for older individuals.
Priorities include caregiver access assistance, volunteer caregiver support services such as respite, companion, chores, and evidence-based caregiver education.
Agencies interested in making an application must submit a full grant application to SEMAAA by Oct. 23.
Application forms and instructions can be obtained from the Southeastern Minnesota Area Agency on Aging at 2720 Superior Drive NW, Suite 102, Rochester, MN 55901, by calling Kim Voth at 507-288–6944, or e-mailing a request to: