Society News: Duplicate Bridge
Thirteen teams played duplicate bridge on Oct. 1.
First place, Jim Fisher and Dave Ring; second place, Barb Engebretson and Orrin Roisen; third place, Joyce Crowe and Millie Siever; fourth place, Vandy Newman and Ron Peters; fifth place, Larry Crowe and Bill Momsen; sixth place, John Karnes and Jaynard Johnson.
Six tables played on Oct. 2
First place, Dave Ring and Orrin Roisen; second place, Gail and Ray Schmidt; third place (tie), Vandy Newman and Ron Peters and Lorraine Quinlivan and Loren Cleland; fifth place, Tom Flaherty and Stan Schultz; sixth place, Eunice Michaelis and Barb Engebretson.
Both sessions are played every week at the Mower County Senior Center and is open to all bridge players. Lunch is served at the Center Cafe. Players come from Northwood and Mason City, Iowa, Albert Lea, Adams Austin and Rose Creek. We loved to welcome new players.