County focused on other projects
Bicyclists probably won’t pedal their way from Rose Creek to Austin on the Shooting Star Trail until 2015, but Mower County Public Works has been busy on other projects this summer.
Mower County Public Works Director Mike Hanson said Friday the county still hasn’t received any of the $2.16 million secured through the bonding bill in May.
Hanson said work could start on a bridge near Rose Creek this year, with the bulk of the work on the trail coming early in the 2015 construction season.
The county is busy working on other road projects this season. It’s currently replacing a bridge on County State Aid Highway 46, and other township bridges and other county and township bridges have been on the docket this year.
Work recently finished on a paving project on County State Aid Highway 8, and work recently began to pave County State Aid Highway 10, which will be open with flaggers.
Next up, the county is set to repave County Road 53 east of LeRoy starting in late July or early August.
County Road 53 will be closed to non-local traffic during the project.
“We’re kind of moving along; we’re doing pretty well,” Hanson said.