Red Cross offers tips for trick-or-treaters on Halloween
Halloween is just around the corner, and as youngsters will soon be out trick or treating, the American Red Cross has tips to make this a fun and safe Halloween. There are steps parents can take to keep their little ghosts and goblins safe in their disguises:
—Add reflective tape to costumes and trick-or-treat bags.
—Use flame-resistant costumes.
—Use face makeup instead of masks, which can cover their eyes and make it hard to see.
To maximize safety for youngsters, plan a route ahead of time. Make sure adults know where children are going. If the children are young, a parent or responsible adult should accompany them as they walk through the neighborhood. Here are more safety tips to follow as children go from house to house:
—Make sure trick-or-treaters have a flashlight.
—Visit only the homes that have a porch light on. Accept treats at the door—never go inside.
—Walk only on the sidewalks, not in the street. If no sidewalk is available, walk at the edge of the
roadway, facing traffic.
—Look both ways before crossing the street, and cross only at the corner.
—Don’t cut across yards or use alleys. Don’t cross between parked cars.
—Be cautious around strange animals, especially dogs.
For those who expect to welcome trick-or-treaters at their doors, make sure it’s fun for everyone by following a few tips:
—Make sure the outdoor lights are on.
—Sweep leaves from sidewalks and steps.
—Clear the porch or front yard of any obstacles that a child could trip over.
—Restrain pets.
—Use a glow stick instead of a candle in jack-o-lanterns to avoid a fire hazard.