Community Pride Day was a hit
Thank you to all who participated in the Sixth Annual Community Pride Day that took place on April 28. Our weather stayed true as we had a cold, windy and damp day. Even with a forecast that seemed hopeless, there were approximately 200 brave souls who came out to pick up our parks, green spaces and downtown areas. We managed to fill an 8-yard dumpster, and A.C.E.S. were on hand to recycle what they could. All in all it was a great effort and we can look forward to this event again on the last Saturday in April next year. So again, the Community Pride Day Committee extends a huge thank you to the participants and the donators who make this event successful.
May is here and school will be out before we know it. You may register for summer recreation programs Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. New this year, we are offering Saturday morning swim lessons which will run for the 10 weeks starting June 16 to August 18. Our lessons have changed to 40 minutes with the pre-school and infant classes still at 30 minutes. Cost for a two-week or 10 Saturday lessons are $30. If you are also purchasing a tag you will receive a $10 discount when you purchase both at the same time.
Mayor Tom Stiehm signed the Proclamation that Arbor Day was on April 27, 2012, and the month of May is Arbor Month. As you think about spring planting also take a look around your yard and see if you could add a tree. Trees can help to reduce your household energy use and Austin Utilities offers a $10 discount from qualified local nursery’s. For more information you can call Austin Utilities at 433-8886 or check their web site at The Spruce Up Austin Free Seminar to be held at the Austin Public Library from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Thursday will discuss how to create a healthy yard. The seminar will be presented by Sara Fechtelkotter, Minnesota GreenCorps Intern for the Austin Parks, Recreation, and Forestry Department. The topic will be on choosing the best tree for your yard plus the Austin Tree Inventory results.
The Minnesota Agriculture Department will start hanging gypsy moth traps in two zones in Minnesota. A portion of the Southern zone will include the east half of Mower County. To read more about the gypsy moth and other defoliator pests check these two web sites: or
Check out the City web site for our summer brochure at, click on departments, click on park and recreation and click on summer brochure. You will find information on parks, youth recreation, municipal pool and J.C. Hormel Nature Center programs. The Nature Center also has a web site: