Vision 2020 asks residents to do online survey
Take the survey here
How’s your Internet? The Vision 2020 Community Wide Technology committee wants to know.
Vision 2020 organizers are asking residents to take a 25-question survey on Internet usage and future technology needs, in order to help the committee focus its goals. The survey, available for the next three weeks, will help the committee act on its vision statement to provide every home, school and business with high-end technology access, which could include fiber optics and wireless Internet throughout Austin.
“This is a chance for everyone to shape the future of our community. With input from residents, the committee can decide what sort of infrastructure to focus on and how to keep it affordable,” said Vision 2020 Chairman Gary Ray in a press release.
Residents can fill out the Vision 2020 survey here. Paper copies of the survey are also available at the Austin Public Library, Hy-Vee, the Mower County Senior Center and the Austin Area Chamber of Commerce.
All data submitted will be anonymous, and Vision 2020 organizers will post survey results on the Vision 2020 web site at