Minn. DNR seeking higher fish, game license fees
DULUTH, Minn. (AP) — Officials with the Department of Natural Resources have a message for Minnesota hunters and anglers: We need more money.
They’re stumping for higher license fees, a provision that’s part of Gov. Mark Dayton’s budget proposal.
DNR officials say tight budgets are already forcing cutbacks. Statewide, it has about 100 unfilled positions out of a staff of 600.
The Duluth News Tribune reports the proposed increases are widely supported by angling and hunting groups. But the increases require approval by the Legislature, and the newspaper says key legislators have not indicated an interest in raising fees.
Under the proposal, a resident fishing license would go from $17 to $24. A resident small game license would go from $19 to $22, and a resident deer license would go from $26 to $30.