Coming together to help one of our own

Austin Daily Herald reporter Jenae Hackensmith covering a grass fire as it’s wrapped up by the Austin Fire Deparment — her first breaking news assignment. Herald file photo
Along with many in Austin, we send our prayers and best wishes to Herald reporter Jenae Hackensmith and her husband, Jordan.
Jenae, 23, was airlifted to St. Marys on April 25 and underwent surgery for a brain arteriovenous malformation (AVM), a tangle of abnormal blood vessels connecting arteries and veins.
As a talented and hardworking reporter, Jenae has covered a variety of topics around Austin.
But more importantly, you’d be hard-pressed to find a better person. One community member summed it up well by calling Jenae a kind and warm young woman who’s always smiling.
At the Herald, Jenae is like family. Some of us have called her our “newsroom little sister,” and others shower Jenae with maternal affection.
Since word got out around town, little time passes without someone emailing, calling or stopping us to ask about Jenae and to say they’re thinking of and praying for her.
Jenae and Jordan moved to Austin in April 2014. They are active at Cornerstone Church, and they have adopted two cats — Ike and Pop — from the Mower County Humane Society.
Click here to read more and support the family.
Please support Jenae, Jordan and their family however you can, whether it’s through a donation, thoughts and prayers, or by simply sharing a kind word for a coworker, friend or loved one.