Salvation Army to bring Doughnut Day to Austin
The Salvation Army is planning a mini kettle drive — of sorts.
“It’s kind of like mini kettles, if you will,” Lt. David Amick said about the upcoming fundraiser.
Though there is no direct tie to the Salvation Army’s annual holiday kettle drive, this Friday’s Doughnut Day will use the same technique of volunteers posted at area businesses trying to drum up donations, along with the obvious incentive: doughnuts.
According Amick of Austin’s Salvation Army, the Doughnut Day — always held on June 1 — has been a longtime tradition since shortly after World War I. Soldier’s used to fry doughnuts in their helmets while in the trenches, and the Salvation Army has for decades used that as inspiration for a fundraiser. However, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday will be the first time Austin has held Doughnut Day.
“We’re looking to get an idea this year and shoot for something a little better next year,” Amick said.
Volunteers will be posted at certain area businesses, while simple donation receptacles will be placed at others. Donors will receive free doughnuts. Participating businesses include Quality Pork Producers, Hormel Foods Corp., the Austin Vet Clinic, Double K Specialty, Dollar Tree, Jim’s Supervalu, Sterling Main Street, Walgreens and Ankeny’s No. 4. There will also be volunteers at the Salvation Army Thrift Store.
All of the proceeds from Doughnut Day will support programs within the Church of the Salvation Army. Amick hopes to make Doughnut Day an annual event in Austin, as well.