Police reports: Sept. 14-16
—Brownsdale Fire Department dispatched for a carbon monoxide detector.
—Grand Meadow ambulance dispatched for a medical in the 25200 block of Racine.
—Public assist call in the 120 block of State Highway 16.
—Deputies dispatched for a hit-and-run report at the 25200 block of Highway 63 in Racine.
—Burglary alarm in the 1400 block of Fourth St. NW. Building was secure.
—Officers and Gold Cross assisted a medical in the 600 block of 14th Ave. SW.
—Austin Fire Department assisted Gold Cross on a medical at Chauncy Apartments.
—Officers responded to the Cedars for an unruly resident.
—Officer spoke to a subject at the 700 block of 19th St. nW for suspicious activity.
—Officers assisted Gold Cross at the 300 block of 27th St. SW.
—Officers responded to a loose/aggressive dog in the 22nd Ave. and Seventh St. NW area.
—Community service officer checked on an animal complaint in the 400 block of Second St. SW.
—Community service officer unlocked keys form a vehicle in the 1200 block of 17th St. NE.
—Officers checked on possible domestic at Second Ave. and 11th St. NW.
—Officer checked on harassment report at the 400 block of Third St. NE.
—Harassment report in the 200 block of Fourth St. NE.
—Driving complaint near Queen of Angels Church.
—Officers and Gold CRoss dispatched to a medical in the 1400 block of Second Ave. SW.
—Officers warned of loud music in the 600 block of Ninth St. NW.
—Officers responded to a verbal domestic in the 1000 block of Seventh St. SE.
—Austin Fire Department dispatched for a suspicious fire in the 600 block of Sixth Ave. SE.
—Austin Fire Department and Gold Cross dispatched for a medical in the 200 block of Fifth St. SW.
—Subject arrested for disorderly conduct at Seventh St. and Second Ave. NE.
—Grand Meadow ambulance dispatched for a medical in the city of Grand Meadow.
—Deputy checked the area of 26000 block of 610th Ave. for a suspicious vehicle.
—Deputy responded to a burglary alarm in Lansing Township.
—Deputy dispatched for an injured deer in Lyle Township.
—Subject arrested on probation violation in the 100 block of Second Ave. NE.
—Officers dispatched to a fight; both parties separated, 100 block of Second Ave. NE.
—Report of tampering with a vehicle in the 900 block of Fifth ave. NE.
—Officers dispatched to assist with a civil matter in the 500 block of 13th St. NW.
—Officers assisted Gold CRoss on a medical at Sacred Heart Care Center.
—Officers assisted Gold Cross on a medical at Sacred Heart Care Center.
—Officers assisted a subject that fell at the 1200 block of Ninth St. NW.
—Officers and Austin Fire Department respond to a false alarm at Hy-Vee.
—Officers dispatched for a lift assist in the 1900 block of Burr Oak Drive.
—Officers checked Bandshell for a possible OFP violation.
—Keys unlocked from vehicles in the 1000 block of Eighth St. NE and 1900 block of Third Ave. SW.
—Deputies dispatched for loose cattle on Country Road 1 west of Waltham.
—Burglary alarm in the 300 block of First Street, Lyle.
—Officers assisted Gold Cross in the Courtyard Apartments with a medical.
—Officer spoke to a subject at the 900 block of Seventh Ave. NE about assault.
—Community service officer chalked a vehicle for overtime parking.
—Community service officer checked the area of Main Street near pool for a loose dog, couldn’t locate.
—Community service officer spoke to a subject about animal complaint in the 400 block of Second Street NW.
—Report of found wallet in the 600 block of First Ave. SW.
—Officer spoke to a subject in the LEC about an accident.
—Officers assisted Gold Cross on a medical at Sky Apartments.
—Community service checked Seventh Street and 10th Ave. for two loose dogs, couldn’t locate.
—Officers assisted Fire Department on a fire alarm at Chauncy Apartments; burned food.
—Community service officer checked Skinner’s Hill for loose dog, couldn’t locate.
—Community service officer checked for loose dog near Banfield.
—Community service officer checked on barking dogs in the 900 block of Eighth Ave. SE.
—Officer checked for kids at Ankeny’s 14th St. NW causing problems.
—Community service officer checked on barking dogs in the 100 block of 20th St. SE.
—Officers and Gold Cross responded to a medical at the Cedars.
—Officers checked on boys at Galloway Park tipping over garbage cans.
—Officer helped child at the library locate his property.
—Officers checked the 700 block of Fourth Ae. NE for suspicious people.
—Unlocked keys from a vehicle in the 1900 block of Sixth Ave. NW.
—Officer assisted Gold Cross on a medical at the 2100 block of Fourth Ave. SE.
—Noise complaint in the 300 block of 10th Ave. SW.
—Officers and Gold Cross Ambulance responded to a medical in the 1300 block of Fourth Ave. NE.
—Officers assisted Gold Cross on a medical in the 300 block of First Ave. NE.
—Officers responded to a burglar alarm in the 1200 block of 18th Ave. NW.
—Barking dog complaint in the area of First St. and Third Ave. SW, unfounded.