Letter: State administrators are deceiving
I feel the new administration that was elected to Minnesota deceived the citizens. I have known for a long time that the Democratic party would support gay marriage and by electing a majority of Democrats, it was only a matter of time before our newly-elected administration would put this through as a personal agenda. The majority of registered voters made it apparent they would not support a state constitution amendment banning gay marriage. When Gov. Mark Dayton was a U.S. Senator, he publicly stated he would support gay marriage and where does it end? This different lifestyle has infiltrated every aspect of everyone’s life in some form. Our founding fathers wrote our Bill of Rights and the Constitution on the Christian beliefs, which are even printed on our legal tender monetary instruments. Our monetary instrument bear the logo “In God We Trust,” but do we remove that to satisfy those who do not have Christian beliefs since we have removed every other part of the Christian beliefs this country was founded on?
Gov. Dayton states we need to charge sales tax on clothes, next it is going to be on food. Gov. Dayton said in his state of the state address that President George Bush offered tax cuts and President Bush did, I do not see that Gov. Dayton suffered anything from these tax cuts. He benefited from them as many others did and some did not, depending on which side is doing the talking about it.
Eugene Groby, Austin