A new leader for the city?

Austin City Council Member Roger Boughton, left, speaks with city administrator candidates Kandis Hanson and Steve Wilke Friday during a public reception for the candidates at the Austin Public Library. The council was scheduled to select a city administrator Saturday afternoon. Trey Mewes/trey.mewes@austindailyherald.com
The city of Austin may have a new leader.
The Austin City Council was scheduled to interview Kandis Hanson, Andrew Morris, Pat Oman and Steve Wilke on Saturday for the vacant city administrator position.
The four candidates toured Austin and spoke with city staff on Friday. Council members were scheduled to interview the candidates from 1 to 4 p.m. before the council makes a decision.
Hanson is the city manager in Mound, Minnesota. Before she took that job in 2000, she was city administrator in Kasson, Minnesota, and Eyota, Minnesota. She earned her bachelor’s degree in human environment/home economics as well as a master’s degree in local government management from Mankato State University.
Morris has been city manager for Moberly, Missouri, since 2007. Before that, he was an administrator or manager in Ottumwa, Iowa; Hannibal, Missouri; and Macon, Missouri.
Morris earned a bachelor’s degree in political science from Ottawa University in Kansas and a master’s degree in public administration from Arkansas State University.
Oman is the city administrator for Moose Lake, Minnesota. Before he took that job in 2013, he held economic development and community development jobs in Carlton County, Minnesota, East Central Regional Development Commission in Mora, Minnesota, and Chippewa County Economic Development Corporation in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. He earned bachelor’s degrees in biology and history from the University of Minnesota-Duluth, and master’s degrees in business administration and manufacturing systems from the University of St. Thomas. He has also completed doctoral coursework in public administration at Hamline University.
Wilke has been the city manager of Lake Mills, Wisconsin, since 2000. Before that, he worked for the village of Mahomet, Illinois, and Farmer City, Illinois. He earned his bachelor’s degrees in business administration and public administration from the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point and a master’s degree in public administration from the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh.