Police break up wild party of 250
Police used mace to break up a reportedly violent party at the Windmill Inn and Suites in Dexter around 3:45 a.m. Sunday, according to Sheriff Terese Amazi.
Police were called to the hotel on a report of about 30 people “actively fighting.” Amazi said the crowd was pushing and shoving when police arrived, and officers had to spray the crowd with mace to get everyone to disperse.
One of the party hosts told police that more than 250 people had been at the party earlier in the night.
One officer witnessed two people wielding clubs as they walked away from the party, according to a police report.
Two windows were broken during the party, but there were no known injuries to any party goers.
Nobody was arrested, although the hosts of the party will be responsible for any damages to the building, Amazi said.
Austin Police Department, Minnesota State Patrol, Olmsted County Sheriff’s deputies, Freeborn County Sheriff’s deputies and the Albert Lea Police Department all responded.