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Council in no rush to replace Hurm

Published 10:50am Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Though the Austin City Council abruptly fired former City Administrator Jim Hurm during its public meeting Monday night, Mayor Tom Stiehm said the council likely ... Read more

HRA hires Erichson as part-time director

Published 10:25am Friday, November 16, 2012

Jon Erichson will start in February as the new executive director of Austin’s Housing and Redevelopment Authority. Read more

HRA offers Erichson director post

Published 11:19am Friday, October 19, 2012

The Austin Housing and Redevelopment Authority board decided yesterday on a 3-1 vote that City Engineer Jon Erichson will be its new executive director. During ... Read more

Erichson 1 of 3 finalists for HRA director

Published 10:40am Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Austin Housing and Redevelopment Authority is narrowing in on a new executive director. During a special HRA Board meeting Thursday, commissioners reviewed 16 resumes ... Read more

HRA tense over new director dispute

Published 11:02am Friday, April 20, 2012

The Austin Housing and Redevelopment Authority sparred Thursday over a matter that recently plagued the City Council work session and Coffee with the Council. Read more

Council tries to appease HRA protests

Published 10:53am Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The city council concluded a work session Monday night by discussing an issue HRA board members Marv Repinski and Marilyn Prenosil addressed during Saturday’s Coffee ... Read more

Coffee with Council: HRA board members angered over city’s handling of executive director search

Published 5:11pm Saturday, April 14, 2012

From curb regulations to tax appraisals to mixed feelings about the city administration, Austin citizens brought a variety of issues to city council members at ... Read more

Hurm: Erichson may lead HRA

Published 10:52am Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The city may not have to look far for a new HRA executive director. Read more

Boughton: Housing agency in good shape at transition

Published 11:11am Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The end of December will mark nearly a decade of leadership that Jim Hurm has provided to the Austin Housing Redevelopment Authority. He will relinquish ... Read more
