Jaycees bring home awards
Published 6:06 am Wednesday, January 15, 2020
The Austin Jaycees returned from the JCI Minnesota annual convention with some significant awards, all recognizing their hard work in the community.
• Brian Klouse, Amie Klouse, and Kim Bryant each received Presidential Medallions from outgoing state president Dean Carstensen.
• Scott Bryant earned Bronze Outstanding Alumni.
• The chapter won the Duane Reese Memorial Award for Community Project of the Year for their “Feed a Family” project.
• They also were one of the Top 5 Local Chapters in the state, earned Bronze Public Relation program as well as bronze for their “Fall All-State Welcome Party” project, which welcomed Jaycees from all over the state when Austin hosted the autumn convention in October 2019.
• Kim Bryant was one of five local chapter presidents honored with a Charles Kulp Jr. memorial award and earned a Silver Key for her hard work in 2019.
• Becky Helfritz became a JCI USA Ambassador, the highest honor from the national Jaycee organization.
The Jaycees offer congratulations for all the hard work group members have done in 2019.
The Jaycees are always looking for young people, ages 18-40, ready to make an impact in their community. Find out more at www.austinjaycees.tk or facebook.com/AustinMNJaycees