City of Austin declares snow emergency; Parking rules now in effect
Published 11:11 am Tuesday, November 26, 2019
- Herald file photo.
The City of Austin declared a snow emergency on Tuesday morning in anticipation of the winter storm that came through the area Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning. The declaration took effect at 6 p.m. on Tuesday and will last for 72 hours, unless extended.
The National Weather Service forecasted as of late Tuedsay afternoon between 5 to 9 inches accumulating locally Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning. The city typically declares a snow emergency when about 4 or more inches of snow falls.
Under the Snow Emergency Parking Ordinance, parking in the business areas of the city is prohibited between the hours of 1-8 a.m. during the 72-hour period. Business areas include midtown Austin, Sterling Shopping Center, the Hormel Plant area and East Side business area.
Residents are also required to obey the even/odd parking rule. All vehicles parked on Austin streets between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 a.m. the succeeding day must be parked on the side of the street with even addresses on even-numbered days of the month. All vehicles parked on Austin streets between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 a.m. the succeeding day must be parked on the side of the street with odd addresses on odd-numbered days of the month.
“When we get vehicles to move to the proper side, it makes the plowing operation much more efficient,” said City Engineer Steven Lang. “We don’t have to swerve around illegally parked vehicles, leaving a windrow of snow, which can be a safety hazard. It ultimately makes for a safer roadway.”
The Austin Police Department will be enforcing the parking rules. Those found in violation could receive a $25 ticket.
For more information on snow emergency guidelines, visit For a map of restricted parking, visit