Packer Dome at Wescott Athletic Complex to be inflated Nov. 20

Published 10:19 am Saturday, October 19, 2019

Kevin D. Nelson

Austin Parks and Recreation

Colorful fall weather is still here, providing many the opportunity to go out and enjoy walking trails within our beautiful parks.

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In preparation for foul weather, the Dome will be inflated over Art Hass Stadium at Wescott Athletic Complex on Nov. 20. This fascinating multi-use facility, with public access offered compliments of Austin Public School District, provides an enjoyable perimeter-of-the-playing-field for walking on the synthetic turf.

Walking is available during scheduled times when it does not conflict with other scheduled activities, which are making use of the field. Such restrictions are typically set in place for the safety of all of those who are using the track.

Thus, if a soccer practice, softball game, or kids baseball game are taking place in the dome, it’s logical that you shouldn’t want to walk, push your child around in a stroller, etc.

There are still plenty of other walking times available. So, all abled-bodied individuals with Austin, regardless of their personal financial situation or the weather outside, can continue to get in some walking on a regular basis free of charge.

Thank your school board and administration for the walking opportunity.

Henry David Thoreau (American essayist, poet, and author) once said, “An early-morning walk is a blessing for the whole day.”

For those interested in the use of treadmills, stationary bikes, other cardio equipment or indoor walking/running tracks, fee-based options are available through the YMCA and other fitness facilities in Austin. The new Austin Community Rec Center, which will supplant the current YMCA, is slated to open its doors in early January. This expansive and new indoor space is remarkable, and there will be free access opportunities to the ‘public’ areas of the facility. Other areas will be made available on a daily fee and/or membership basis.

Tree trimming

Did you know that there is a “best time” for trimming oak trees?

This best time is during the “safe months” of November-March to minimize the risk of oak wilt. Oak wilt fungus spreads primarily through tree roots, grafting one oak to another, which can be as much as 50 feet away.

Two species of sap beetles are the primary insects through which oak wilt can be transmitted to a wounded or freshly-pruned oak. The beatles are not attracted specifically to oaks and cannot wound a tree, but they will visit fresh oak tree wounds and can then transfer the fungus if they are carrying it.

If an oak must be pruned during the high-risk time of April-June or in low-risk of July-October, one should treat the fresh cut immediately with a nontoxic tree-wound dressing or a latex spray paint. Oak wilt symptoms begin near the top of trees and progress down, with leaves turning a bronze to reddish-brown beginning with the tip and margins of the leaves. Oak anthracnose is sometimes confused with oak wilt but usually occurs only in the lower crowns of trees. Anthracnose-affected trees may actually leaf out a second time during the growing season. Other look-alike tree illnesses can be caused by bur oak blight and the two-lined chestnut borer.

For more information, check out the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources site at: If you suspect oak wilt, you may call our office at 433-1881.


A free opportunity to play pickleball will be offered 6:30-8:30 p.m. on Wednesday evenings at Ellis Middle School in the auxiliary gym. Scheduled dates are Oct. 23, 30, Nov. 6, 13, 20, Dec. 4, 11, 18, Jan. 8, 15, 22, 29 and Feb. 12, 19, 26. Balls and paddles are available for use within the gym in case you don’t yet have your own.

Thanksgiving Feast

Join the Friends of the Jay C. Hormel Nature Center for their Thanksgiving Feast Fundraiser from 5-9 p.m. on Nov. 2. The event will take place at the Holiday Inn Austin Conference Center at 1701 Fourth St. NW. Tickets can be purchased for $40 online at Tickets can be reserved by calling 507-433-6928.

It’s sure to be a fun evening, starting with a social hour and followed by a delicious meal, music and entertainment, raffles and games, and both silent and live auctions. Join the Friends of the Jay C. Hormel Nature Center and receive a $5 coupon at the feast to use towards raffles, games or auction items. All proceeds go to the Jay C. Hormel Nature Center Operations Fund, which supports interns, staffing and programs throughout the year.