Rotarians honored
Published 7:53 am Tuesday, July 2, 2019
Members of the Austin Rotary Club who go consistently go “above and beyond” serving others were honored with service awards last week.
Receiving honors were:
· Marnie Leif, who teaches science and social studies at Pacelli schools, was named the Educator of the Year by the Rotary. She was nominated by Jean McDermott.
· David Krenz, Austin Public Schools superintendent, received the Community Service Award. He was nominated by Bill Taufic.
· Kim Underwood, who heads up the city’s park and recreation department, earned the Government Service Award. She was nominated by Craig Clark, Janet Anderson and Mayor Tom Stiehm.
· Amy Baskin was named recipient of the Paul Harris Fellow Award, the highest honor given a Rotarian. The award honors the Rotarian motto, “Service Above Self.” She was honored by the Austin Rotary Club Board of Directors, and was presented the award by Katie Baskin, club president.
The Austin Rotary accepts nominations each year in the preceding categories and the winners are chosen by a committee that reviews all nominations. Each winner receives a $200 donation from the club to be given to the charity of their choice.
The Rotarians also presented a special team award to the Mower County Road crew, whose information was previously published.