Omot pleads guilty to witness tampering; Victim was witness in another case

Published 7:12 am Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Naney Kwot Omot, 23, of Austin pleaded guilty to felony first-degree tampering with a witness-injure in retaliation, as part of a plea agreement on Monday in Mower County District Court. He initially pleaded not guilty on May 11.

Court documents state that a deputy was dispatched on May 9 regarding an assault that took place at the Mower County Jail. The alleged victim said that Naney, along with inmate Kuoviy Kwot Omot, entered his cell that morning and assaulted him, punching and kicking him several times, after the cell doors had been opened to the common area. The victim said his uncle, who was also an inmate, ran into the cell to break up the fight. He said he believed he was assaulted because he is a witness in Kuoviy’s upcoming attempted murder trial, and the two assailants called him “snitch” and other names while assaulting him. The deputy photographed injuries to the victim’s face, right hand and left rib area.

The detention deputy on duty at the time said he saw the two run down the stairs from the second level and enter the victim’s cell shortly after opening the cell doors at 7 a.m., according to court documents. He said Naney stood guard outside and blocked the door while Kuoviy assaulted the victim.

Naney Kwot Omot, 23

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The victim’s cellmate said he had just exited the cell when Kuoviy and Naney entered and attacked the victim, according to court documents. He said at least one of the assailants was punching the victim.

Surveillance footage allegedly showed Kuoviy entering the victim’s cell and assaulting him while Naney stood guard outside.

Kuoviy Omot was also charged in the incident.

A review of Naney Omot’s criminal history shows a prior conviction for second-degree burglary. He was recently found guilty of felony violent felon in possession of a firearm.

Naney Omot will be sentenced on Sept. 27.