D’oh! ‘Simpsons’ writer says show not based in Massachusetts
Published 6:58 am Saturday, July 28, 2018
BOSTON — A veteran writer for “The Simpsons” says the show isn’t based in Massachusetts despite several references to the state.
The Boston Globe reports Mike Reiss recently sat down for a segment on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” to discuss the show and his new book, “Springfield Confidential: Jokes, Secrets, and Outright Lies from a Lifetime Writing for The Simpsons.”
Reiss says the Springfield where the show is set is “nowhere.” He explains the writers chose Springfield as a location because there are more than 40 cities and towns that share the name across the U.S.
Fans have highlighted references to the Bay State in the show, including Mayor Quimby’s New England accent and jokes about Harvard.
Reiss is proud of the success of the show, whose 30th season will premiere this fall.